Cock-eyed reporter Georges Masse enjoys a peaceful vacation in Venice. Which does not please his boss as he is not supposed to be... in vacation! P'tit Louis, Georges' blundering but faithful photographer, is sent to Venice with a mission: pull up his socks. But Georges is not so dormant as he appears. Behind the scenes, he investigates the activities of a gang that cleans out Venice. Quite logically, he soon finds himself face to face with a bunch of shady brutal characters, among whom Zélos, a Greek nightclub owner, and Alessandro Cassidi, a powerful motor manufacturer married to the alluring Clara, twice younger than he is...
Georges Masse
Le commissaire spécial Thérésa Larsen
Clara Cassidi
P'tit Louis
Sophocle Zélos
Rocky Saddler
Nora Cassidi
Arsène de Loubiac
Pablo le Bègue
La secrétaire de l'agence
Sam Barnett